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时间:2022-12-03 13:55:11


公寓和别墅 / 方式及流程 / 业主权益


泰国位于东南亚的中心, 近年来外国人有更多在这里购买房产的理由。 泰行家作为专业房地产公司,主要提供清迈,曼谷及芭提雅三大城市房产服务, 提供置业过程中的各种业务,法务及税务等服务, 并在收房后为非住泰国业主提供各种远程的贴心管家服务, 泰行家泰行家旨在成为您放心的泰国管家! 以下总结了泰国购房的知识和相关规定和会一般遇到的问题和解答, 如有您其他疑问,请联系泰行家泰行家公众号/小程序客服人员。


外国人在泰国买房产条件 ?




购买永久产权或租赁产权有什么不同 ?




外国人可以购买土地或别墅吗 ?

截至2015年,外国人仍不可以购买或拥有带有土地产权的房产。例如,别墅、店铺、商业用屋、零售或工业用地等。 非常大型的跨国企业在泰国投资促进委员会的许可下可以购买和拥有土地,其它泰国土地均仅允许泰国个人或是泰国 公司所有。外国人可以购买公寓项目, 可以最长办理3次共90年租赁别墅项目。



通常您可以从开发商手中直接购买新房,或是通过我们在公寓建成前或新建成后购买, 以便享有代理返佣。 关于二手房的交易,一般合同租期为1年,租客押金为1-2个月租金,中介佣金为1个月租金,不同租期按比例收取中介服务费。


在泰国购买公寓的手续是怎样的 ?


在购买未建造好的楼盘时,开发商会请您在预定合同上签字, 并交付预订费。 这表示您已经预定您所感兴趣的单元户,这将确保您所预定的单元户不会被提供给另外的买家。

在您预定好你所感兴趣的单元户之后的2-4周内,买方与卖方需共同签署房屋买卖合同;买方需要给卖方支付相应的合同费。另外,对于还在建造过程之中的房产, 一系列的支付将会按照之前所签订的预定合同内所提到支付流程进行。一般新房在过户前所支付的所有费用约20%-30%,所有款项必须经由海外银行汇款到买房的泰国本地银行账户,或者直接汇入开发商公司账户, 汇款单上必须注明是买房资金 (如需帮助海外汇款,请联系客服)



外国人是否能申请贷款购买公寓 ?


住房贷款通常可以授予3 到20年的期限。 最高贷款额一般可达到房屋财产评估价值的70%。值得注意的是,房屋的评估价值由银行给予的评估而定,或高于或低于房屋本身购入的价值。


一般来说,银行最注重的是资金的来源和贷款申请者是否具有稳定的收入。这并非要求资金的来源必须在泰国,但是购房资金的来源仍需通过工资条、银行对账单等证明。 贷款申请者的收入必须是稳定而持续的。银行的贷款条件会随时变动,我们可以根据您的要求向您提供一些放贷银行的信息。


付款方式及流程是怎样的 ?

对于想要在泰国购买公寓的外籍购房者,买方需要证明这些等同于房屋买卖合同中提到的实际购买总价的资金是以您的名义从国外汇入泰国的, 并注明款项用于购买的房屋详细地址。在交付房产权之时,购买者需要向土地管理部门提供外汇资金交易单来获取房屋产权书。



外汇资金交易单(即FOREX/FET, FOREX 或 FET 表格 或 Tor Tor 3 泰文文件 (TT3)), 是一个银行发行的正式文件,用于接收来自海外汇入泰国银行账户等于或者高于 50,000美元的外汇。

如果你是以外资所有权在泰国购买公寓,必须以外汇资金交易单(FOREX/FET)来证明这些等同于 房屋买卖合同中提到的实际购买总价的资金是以您的名义从泰国以外的国家汇入泰国。

外汇资金交易单(FOREX/FET)的原件必须提交往土地管理部门以确保公寓所有权将被注册于非泰 国居民的外资购买者名下。外汇资金交易单(FOREX/FET)对于外资购买者十分重要,您将来可能 需要它和一些辅助文件来清算财产和遣返资金回您的国家或者泰国以外的其他国家。

为确保您得到您所汇款的外汇资金交易单(FOREX/FET),您可能需要将汇款汇入开发商的账户并且注明您的姓名和详细的汇款细节,如下;“此汇款用于购买公寓 # , 项目名称,省份,泰国”。开发商也可以帮助您申请获得外汇资金交易单(FOREX/FET)。



是否可以从泰国本地银行直接汇款 ?

可以,但是这需要您亲自去泰国当地的银行获取一份外汇资金交易单(FOREX/FET)或者银行证明。 如果您希望将资金先汇入您在泰国的账户,再从您泰国的账户直接汇入开发商的银行账户, 您需要亲自去您在泰国的当地银行申请获取外汇资金交易单(FOREX/FET)。


是否可以以现金支付的形式获得外汇资金交易单(FOREX/FET) ?



我的月均支付额低于50,000美元,是否仍然能够得到外汇资金交易单(FOREX/FET) ?



如果我没有填写完整汇款信息或者填写信息不正确是否能修改 ?

如此类情况发生,开发商无法为您获取外汇资金交易单(FOREX/FET)。 但是您可以立即联系您的汇款银行提供帮助,您所在的款项汇出银行会向开发商收款的代理银行发一份如下的官方证明:“此汇款用于购买公寓号 # , 项目名 称,省份,泰国”。除此之外,可能需要一份官方证明的复印件以便于银行记录。请注意,此方案视资金汇出行的情况和规定而定。


我在泰国工作,是否能用我的工资购买房产 ?


您会被需要出示雇佣合同,并以非居民的身份在泰国当地银行开户。需要准备公司给您开出的月工资证明及银行证明 购房资金来自于您的非居民账户,并且工资税都已被付清。一般情况下银行允许您将工资70%存入非居民账户。不同银行对非居民开户的审核标准和要求不同。

此方式银行将不会给予外汇资金交易单(FOREX/FET),然而银行会为您提供一份书信文件向土地管理部门证明您所 支付的用来购买房屋的资金来源于您的税后工资,此证明与外汇资金交易单起相同作用。


如果我以买主的名义从其他账户转账支付是否成立 ?

可以,汇款单需详细阐明买主名称和汇款用途如下:“此汇款用于买主名称#购买公寓号 # , 项目名称,省份,泰国。” (泰行家可以代办)


在银行无法处理的情况下,买主是否能简略付款的细节 ?

在泰国购买公寓的外汇交易代码为318069。您可以注明汇款用途为:“318069 加上您的名字”即可。但是我们建议您填写详细的汇款信息以防止产生不必要的误会。


我以公司的名义购买,可以以我个人的账户汇款吗 ?

可以,您可以用您的个人账户汇款,但是请务必在汇款单上注明您的公司名称。例如,您的公司名为度假寓所有限公司,您可注明:“此汇款用于购买公寓号 # , 项目名称,省份,泰国。 度假寓所有限公司。”


是否支持信用卡支付 ?

通常只有预订费信用卡支付是不收取任何费用的。每月的分期付款、合同费和其他任何费用一般需要收取一定额度的服务费,通常在1.5% 到 3.55% 外加7% 税,视信用卡所制定的收费体系而定。需要注意的是,当您使用信用卡支付任何一项购房款时,银行将不予提供外汇资金交易单(FOREX/FET)。


对外汇款规定会影响我购买房产吗 ?

中国银行规定每一位中国公民每年对外汇款的限额为50,000美元,如人民币汇出额超出此限额,银行将不予受理并退还给您。 但是汇款来源可以是第三方账户,请确保您在汇款单上注明汇款用途 ,目前国家禁止外汇购房,需要帮助请联系泰行家





  • 持泰国领事馆或签证馆所授予的非移民签证。
  • 泰国商业银行提供的的境外汇入总额1000万泰株或者以上的银行证明
  • 出示房屋买卖合同和房屋所有权的复印件,并且购置房产总额不得少于1000万泰株



购买公寓需要支付的费用有哪些 ?


1. 物业管理费——主要用于日常公寓物业管理的费用。例如,清洁和维修费用、管理人员薪水、日常消耗品费用以及 额外费用等等。物业管理费需按月支付,以您公寓使用面积平米数为依据,即固定数额乘以您公寓的平米数。这种物业费用计算方式是为保证每个业主缴付物业管理费的公平性和合理性。但您的公寓出租给其它人居住的时候,物业管理费通常还是由业主支付。

2. 偿债基金——是为将来公寓楼体维护而支付的预备基金。例如,楼体的维修、电梯的更换或是大楼的外观等在将来 需要资金缴付维护款项的储备金。通常,偿债基金为一次性缴付的费用,按照业主购买的平米数计算。当这部分基金 全部使用完的时候,业主们会收到再次缴付的通知。

3. 过户费——是在房屋过户时需要缴付给政府的费用,大概占房屋价值的1%。



公寓的物业项目由谁负责管理 ?

根据泰国法律规定,公寓须由公寓业主委员会选出的公寓法人进行管理。公寓法人对公寓管理事务有决定权,例如, 挑选第三方物业管理公司对公寓进行日常管理和制定其它的公寓规定或管理章程,以及对管理费用的控制等等。







可以。在泰国公寓的租期通常为一至两年,承租人需要跟业主签订租赁协议,并支付一定数额的保证金(一般为2个月租金)和预付一个月的租金。承租人要自己缴付水电费、网络和有线电视费用等,除非协议中承诺由业主代为支付。公寓房间可以选择是否配备家具家电,不过配有家具和家电设备的房间比较容易出租。在泰国租赁市场,通常家具家电齐全意味着室内有床、 衣柜、桌椅等基本家具,窗帘或百叶窗、家电和空调等。

业主可以找泰行家代租, 代售或代管(如果买房后自己并不在泰国居住),我们会提供详细的租赁条款和代管协议



Investment Guide to buying a house in Thailand

Apartments and villas/methods and procedures/Owners' equity

In recent years, foreigners have had more reasons to buy property in Thailand, a country at the heart of Southeast Asia.   As a professional real estate company, we mainly provide real estate services in Chiang Mai, Bangkok and Pattaya, and provide various business, legal and tax services in the process of real estate purchase. We also provide a variety of remote and intimate butler services for non-resident Thai owners after the purchase of the house.

The following summarizes the knowledge and relevant regulations of buying a house in Thailand and will generally encounter questions and answers, if you have other questions, please contact Thai experts Thai public number/small program customer service staff.

Conditions for foreigners to buy property in Thailand?

Thailand allows foreigners to buy freehold apartments in Thailand, which can be transferred to the owner's name and enjoy 100% property rights. But because Thai land is legally owned by Thais, 49% of the apartment can be bought by foreigners individually or as part of a company.

What is the difference between buying a freehold or a lease?

Most apartments in Thailand are freehold. For leasehold apartments, the value assessment will be lower than the equivalent freehold apartment projects. Generally speaking, the maximum life of a leasehold title is 30 years.

The advantage of buying a freehold apartment in Thailand as a foreigner is that you can own the property rights of the apartment you purchased, and after the apartment is transferred, you become the owner without being questioned by any Thai government agency.

Can foreigners buy land or villas?

As of 2015, foreigners are still not allowed to buy or own property with land rights. For example, villas, shops, commercial houses, retail or industrial land, etc. Very large multinational corporations can buy and own land with permission from the Investment Promotion Board of Thailand. Other land in Thailand is only owned by Thai individuals or Thai companies. Foreigners can buy apartments and rent villas for up to three times for a total of 90 years.

What is the process for foreigners to buy an apartment?

Usually you can buy a new house directly from the developer, or through us before or after the completion of the apartment to enjoy the agent rebate. For the second-hand house transaction, the general contract lease term is 1 year, the tenant deposit is 1-2 months rent, the intermediary commission is 1 month rent, and the intermediary service fee is charged in proportion to the different lease terms.

What are the procedures for buying an apartment in Thailand?

You can buy a developer's prospective home, that is, the property is not completed, is still under construction.

When purchasing an unbuilt property, the developer will ask you to sign the reservation contract and pay the reservation fee. This means that you have reserved the units you are interested in. This will ensure that the units you have reserved will not be offered to another buyer.

Within 2 to 4 weeks after you book the unit you are interested in, the buyer and the seller need to sign the housing sale contract; The buyer shall pay the corresponding contract fee to the seller. In addition, for properties that are still under construction, a series of payments will be made in accordance with the payment process outlined in the previously signed predetermined contract. General new house in the transfer before the payment of all expenses about 20%-30%, all the money must be through overseas bank remittance to the Thai local bank account to buy a house, or directly into the account of the developer company, the money order must be marked as the house funds (if you need help overseas remittance, please contact customer service).

At the time of delivery, the buyer will be required to inspect the house in advance and pay the remaining payment. When the balance is paid, the property title will be transferred to the buyer under the supervision of the land administration, all the documents must be drawn up in strict accordance with Thai law. In addition, according to the law, the acceptance and balance payment can be done by a third party alone without the presence of the buyer.

Can foreigners apply for a loan to buy an apartment?

Some foreign buyers can purchase apartments by applying for loans, which are subject to approval by financial institutions. Home loans can usually be granted for a period of three to 20 years. The maximum loan amount is generally up to 70% of the assessed value of the property. It is worth noting that the appraised value of the house is determined by the appraised value given by the bank, which is either higher or lower than the value of the house itself.

There are also financial institutions that won't lend until they reach the minimum appraisal price they require.

Generally speaking, what banks pay the most attention to is the source of funds and whether the loan applicant has a stable income. This does not require the source of the funds to be in Thailand, but the source of the purchase still needs to be verified through pay slips, bank statements, etc. The loan applicant's income must be stable and consistent. The loan terms of the bank are subject to change and we can provide you with some information of the lending bank upon your request.

What are the payment terms and procedures?

For foreign buyers who want to buy an apartment in Thailand, the buyer will need to prove that the money, which is equivalent to the actual total purchase price mentioned in the contract, was remitted to Thailand from abroad in your name, along with the detailed address of the house for which the money was used. At the time of delivery of property rights, the purchaser needs to provide the foreign exchange transaction sheet to the land management department to obtain the property rights document.

What is a FOREX/FET?

FOREX Funds Transaction Order (FOREX/FET, FOREX or FET form or Tor Tor 3 Thai document (TT3)) is an official document issued by a bank to receive foreign exchange equal to or above US $50,000 from overseas into a Thai bank account.

If you purchase an apartment in Thailand under foreign ownership, you must prove with a FOREX/FET that the funds equivalent to the actual total purchase price mentioned in the contract of Sale and purchase were transferred to Thailand from a country other than Thailand in your name.

The original FOREX/FET must be submitted to the land Management Department to ensure that the condo title will be registered in the name of the foreign buyer who is not a Thai resident. FOREX/FET is very important for foreign buyers and you may need it and other supporting documents in the future to liquidate assets and repatriate funds to your country or other countries other than Thailand.

To ensure that you receive the Foreign Exchange Funds Transaction Order (FOREX/FET) you have remitted, you may need to remit the remittance to the developer's account and indicate your name and remittance details as follows; "This remittance is for the purchase of apartment #, project name, Province, Thailand". The developer can also help you apply for a FOREX/FET.

When remittance is made to Thailand from a country other than Thailand, the total amount of remittance income depends on the actual amount of remittance as shown on the foreign exchange fund transaction order or instrument. At present, there is no tax on inward and outward remittance of funds in Thailand.

Is it possible to remit the money directly from a local bank in Thailand?

Yes, but you need to go to the local bank in Thailand to obtain a FOREX/FET or bank certificate. If you wish to remit the funds first to your Thai account and then directly from your Thai account to the developer's bank account, you will need to apply in person at your local bank in Thailand for a Foreign Exchange Funds Transaction Order (FOREX/FET).

Is it possible to obtain a FOREX/FET in cash?

We do not recommend that you pay directly in cash, and the developer does not accept any form of cash payment at any exchange rate.

Can I still get a FOREX/FET if my monthly average payment is less than $50,000?

If your remittance is less than US $50,000, you can obtain a foreign exchange certificate from the bank. This certificate will be used exactly the same as the Foreign Exchange Fund order and will be obtained in the same way as the Foreign Exchange Fund Order.

If I don't fill in the remittance information completely or fill in the information incorrectly, can I modify it?

In this case, the developer cannot obtain the FOREX/FET for you. However, you can immediately contact your remittance bank for help. Your remittance bank will send an official certificate as follows to the agent bank receiving payment from the developer: "This remittance is used to purchase the apartment No. #, project name, province, Thailand". In addition, a copy of the official certificate may be required for bank records. Please note that this scheme is subject to the circumstances and regulations of the outgoing bank.

I am working in Thailand, can I buy a property with my salary?

Yes, but you need to provide proper documentation to the land management department.

You will be required to present an employment contract and open an account in a local Thai bank as a non-resident. Prepare a monthly salary certificate from the company and a bank statement that the purchase was financed from your non-resident account and that payroll taxes have been paid. Normally, the bank allows you to deposit 70% of your salary in a non-resident account. Different banks have different standards and requirements for non-residents to open accounts.

In this way, the bank will not give you a FOREX/FET. However, the bank will provide you with a letter to the land management department to prove that the money you paid for the house is derived from your after-tax salary, which is the same as the FOREX transaction.

Is it valid if I transfer money from another account in the name of the buyer?

Yes, the money order should specify the name of the buyer and the purpose of the remittance as follows: "This remittance is for the name of the buyer # apartment #, project name, province, Thailand." (Thai expert can act as agent)

Can the buyer sketch out the details of payment if the bank cannot handle it?

The foreign exchange code for buying an apartment in Thailand is 318069. You can indicate the purpose of remittance as "318069 plus your name". However, we suggest that you fill in the detailed remittance information to avoid any unnecessary misunderstanding.

I buy it in the name of the company, can I remit it to my personal account?

Yes, you can remit the money through your personal account, but please be sure to indicate your company name on the money order. For example, if your company is called Vacation Homes Limited, you may indicate: "This remittance is for the purchase of apartment number #, project name, Province, Thailand. Holiday Homes Limited."

Do you support credit card payment?

There is usually no charge for credit card payments only for booking fees. Monthly installments, contract fees and any other fees are usually subject to a service fee of a certain amount, usually between 1.5% and 3.55% plus 7% tax, depending on the fee system set up by the card. It should be noted that when you use a credit card to pay for any purchase, the bank will not provide a Foreign Exchange Fund Transaction (FOREX/FET).

Will the remittance rules affect my property purchase?

According to the Bank of China, the annual remittance limit for each Chinese citizen is US $50,000. If the amount of RMB sent abroad exceeds this limit, the bank will not accept it and refund it to you. However, the source of remittance can be the third-party account, please make sure that you indicate the purpose of remittance on the money order. Currently, the country prohibits the purchase of houses with foreign exchange, please contact a Thai expert for help

If I buy a property in Thailand, can I get a Thai investment visa?

Foreign buyers of real estate in Thailand will be entitled to a one-time stay in Thailand for 1 year, which can be renewed after each year if your total investment exceeds 10 million Thai. The required materials for an investor visa include:

The materials required for renewal are as follows:

• Non-immigrant visa granted by the Thai Consulate or visa Office.

• Bank certificate of overseas remittance of 10 million Thai or more provided by Thai commercial bank

• Show copies of the house sale contract and the title of the house, and the total value of the property purchased shall not be less than 10 million Thai

If you are interested in applying for a Thai investment visa, we can refer a professional immigration lawyer to ensure that the application steps are correct and valid.

What are the costs of buying an apartment?

When buying an apartment in Thailand, you will have to pay the following three main fees:

1. Property management fee -- mainly used for daily apartment property management fees. For example, cleaning and maintenance costs, administrative salaries, routine consumables, additional costs, and so on. The property management fee is paid on a monthly basis based on the number of square meters in use of your apartment, i.e. a fixed amount multiplied by the number of square meters in your apartment. This calculation method of property fees is to ensure the fairness and rationality of each owner's payment of property management fees. But when your apartment is rented out to someone else, the property management fee is usually paid by the owner.

2. Sinking Fund -- a reserve fund for future maintenance of the apartment building. For example, the maintenance of the building, the replacement of the elevator or the appearance of the building will require funds to pay for the maintenance of the reserve in the future. The sinking fund is usually a one-off payment based on the number of square metres purchased by the owner. When the fund is fully used up, the owners will be notified to pay up again.

3. Transfer Fee - a fee paid to the government at the time of transfer of ownership of a house, approximately 1% of the value of the house.

When you consider reselling your property, the real Estate Bureau will charge you taxes in addition to the transfer fee, depending on how long you have held the property. This fee can be negotiated with next owner who buys your property.  

Who is responsible for the management of the apartment property project?

According to Thai law, an apartment must be managed by an apartment legal person elected by the apartment owners' committee. The apartment legal person has the right to decide the apartment management affairs, for example, selecting a third-party property management company for daily management of the apartment, formulating other apartment regulations or management regulations, and controlling management expenses.

The property management fee is a monthly fee that the owner must pay, which is supervised and used by the apartment corporation. The owner may elect members of the committee annually to supervise the activities of the condominium corporation.

How to install Internet, cable TV, telephone and other equipment in a new apartment?

Almost every apartment project has an attendant who can recommend direct providers of Internet, cable, and phone service. These include many package service options suitable for foreign owners to choose from. If you are considering renting out your apartment, the tenant will usually need to consider Internet and limited TV installation and costs.

Can I rent out my apartment?

Yes. In Thailand, apartments are usually rented for one to two years, requiring the tenant to sign a lease agreement with the owner and pay a certain amount of security (usually two months 'rent) and one month's rent in advance. Tenants pay their own utilities, Internet and cable bills, etc., unless the landlord is promised to do so. You can choose whether the apartment is furnished or not, but rooms with furniture and appliances are easier to rent. In the Thai rental market, usually fully furnished means basic furniture such as bed, wardrobe, table and chair, curtains or blinds, appliances and air cond.

Owners can find Thai experts to rent, sell or escrow (if they do not live in Thailand after the purchase), we will provide detailed lease terms and escrow agreement, please contact the customer service of Thai experts for details.

Contact us for more details:

Tel/wechat /Line: +66 903326777